Thin Veneer is an excellent way to streamline a remodel job as well as install a stone product in an area where your space is limited. A stunning face lift on an old brick home becomes achievable without having to reconstruct an entire foundation. Merely add some naturally thin or sawn thin veneer to the existing brick and step back to see the tremendous change in appearance. Interior stone walls for entertainment centers and underneath bars will enrich the feeling of your home and can be much easier using thin veneer.
Applications include homes, commercial buildings, patios, swimming pools, spas, Jacuzzi, chimneys, fireplaces, existing retainer walls, indoor kitchens, outdoor kitchens, back splashes, arches, columns, bridges, fountains, landscaping, steps, any place that wood, brick or stucco could be used.
Applications include homes, commercial buildings, patios, swimming pools, spas, Jacuzzi, chimneys, fireplaces, existing retainer walls, indoor kitchens, outdoor kitchens, back splashes, arches, columns, bridges, fountains, landscaping, steps, any place that wood, brick or stucco could be used.
Thin stone veneer is also know by these names: Stone Facing, Stone Fascia, Stone Facade, Stone Wrap, Stone Wrapping, Stone Overlay, Stone Dado, Stone Covering, Stone Cladding, Stone Panels, Stone Paneling, Stone Layer, Stone Sheathing, Stone Sheeting, Stone Siding, Stone Veneer, Stone Wainscot, Stone Stratum.