How do you sell your natural stone?
For complete transparency, we sell by weight, not pallet.
Why is buying by weight more beneficial than by the pallet?
Knowing the weight of stone can assist you to better calculate approximate quantities. Not all pallets weigh the same and therefore they DO NOT all cover the same amount of stone.
Since you sell by weight, is your scale certified?
We invest plenty of resources to ensure that our scales are properly calibrated and legally certified by the Texas Agricultural Department. It would be immoral to simply tell our customer that every pallet has 2 tons.
Do all pallets cover the same amount space?
No. In fact, they rarely do.
How can I tell this is quality stone?
Ask questions regarding your project to one of our Stone Specialists, they will educate you on what to look for.
How can I be sure that your stone will be right for my application?
Speak with one of our stone specialists for any clarifications or advice you feel you need for your project.
Should I buy based on price, quality, or service?
All of the above! Shop around. The differences will be obvious and abundant.
How many options do you have for what my project needs?
A lot! We’re adding new ones all the time. Visit our home page to view out options. |